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Pests of the Season


Pests of the Season


Springtails are found in moist areas. When the moisture is gone, they die. They are very small, usually crawling, but can jump. Pesticide treatments are not highly effective for Springtails while high moisture levels are present. Please click here for helpful tips.

Learn how Scat Pest Control can remove mice from your home or commercial area.



Learn how Scat Pest Control can eradicate spiders in your home to protect your health and well-being.





Do your SOPs allow for pest containment/control of your properties? Contact us today and let Scat Pest Control be a part of your Quality Control.



Is your home fully protected from unwanted pests? Call us today to schedule a full inspection. We offer a "one shot" service, quarterly service and monthly service

bees r us

Bees 'R Us

Click here and find out how Scat Pest Control can help eradicate all your stinging insect problems before they come and sting you!



Is your home fully protected from unwanted pests? Call us today to schedule a full inspection. We offer a "one shot" service, quarterly service and monthly service.



Do your SOPs allow for pest containment/control of your properties? Contact us today and let Scat Pest Control be a part of your Quality Control.

bees r us

Bees 'R Us

Click here and find out how Scat Pest Control can help eradicate all your stinging insect problems before they come and sting you!


oriental cockroachOriental Cockroaches are often called water bugs because of their preference for dark, damp, and cool areas such as those under sinks, washing machines, and in drains, crawl spaces, and basements. We often find them living in organic matter such as mulch.

Adult Oriental Cockroaches are about 1” in length. They are a rich caramel to dark brown, nearly black, color and usually have a shiny appearance. Oriental Cockroaches are sluggish and are often situated at or below ground level indoors. They are seldom found on walls, in high cupboards, or in the upper floors of homes. During periods of drought, there may be considerable movement into structures, apparently in search of higher humidity.

Using trucks equipped with 100 gallon tanks, Scat Pest Control is able to do a perimeter power treatment (creating a barrier on the exterior of the home) to positively affect the entrance of these roaches, along with a non invasive indoor treatment to affect any Oriental Roaches already inside.

Contact us today to setup a comprehensive plan to eliminate oriental cockroaches from your home or business: 317.758.6300

antsJust because you see carpenter ants inside your home or building does not mean that they are causing any damage.  Carpenter ants amplify structural moisture problems in a home or building.  They find wet wood and build a nest in the moisture laden area. These nests are mother nature's way of telling you that you have a moisture problem.  Carpenter ants do not consume wood for food, rather they excavate smooth galleries of wood to create their nest.  Although satellite nests are found inside all structures, the main nest is usually found outside the home or building.

At Scat Pest Control, we have a specific program that allows for the complete elimination of carpenter ants in your home or business.  

Contact us today to learn more about how we can eradicate this pest for you!  317.758.6300

bald face hornets nest yellow jacketsOne of our specialties is stinging insect erradication.

Guaranteed nest erradication - if it's there, we'll take care of it!

No Contracts - One Shot Service

Yellow Jackets, Bald Faced Hornets, Cicada Killers, Carpenter Bees, European Hornets, Vespid Wasps, etc.

Call us today to setup an appointment! 317.758.6300

ants carpenter antsAnts are among the most prevalent pests found in households where they are in search of food and water.

Scat Pest Control is able to treat ants with a one-time treatment. Small ants come up from the soil or out from under concrete. Carpenter ants will always have a main nest outside, but may make a satellite nest inside your home if there is a moisture issue.

Our trucks are equipped with 100 gallon tanks, which enable us to saturate around the foundation of your house with our perimeter power treatment, using a product that targets ants. Utilizing this method enables us to treat primarily from the outside with minimal spot treating inside.

At Scat Pest Control, we have a specific program that allows for the complete elimination of ants in your home or business.  

Contact us today to learn more about how we can eradicate this pest for you!  317.758.6300

One Shot Service

  • A one time "guaranteed results" service
  • Common Pests for a "one shot" service include but are not limited to bees, wasps, hornets, rodents, ants, and other occasional invaders.

Quarterly Exterior Service

  • Our most popular service
  • Many of the pests encountered inside the home come in from the outside. Whether it be ants, spiders, or any other pest, Scat Pest Control will guarantee to keep them outside where they belong! Guaranteed!
  • This service is very popular because there is no need for interior treatment or setting an appointment. Our skilled and knowledgeable, licensed applicators will simply treat the entire perimeter of the home and monitor any problem areas.
  • Interior treatment is optional at no additional charge. Scat will also provide "no charge" return visits as needed for pests covered by quarterly treatments.
  • No contract is required
  • Bees, fleas, termites and bed bugs are not covered under this service plan.

Monthly Service

  • Monthly service is generally recommended to homeowners with a significant population of unwanted pests.
  • This is common of homes located in heavily wooded areas or homes close to lakes, ponds, or other bodies of waters.
  • We will send a skilled and knowledgeable, licensed applicator to your home once a month to treat any areas of infestation and also provide preventative maintenance for the rest of your home.
  • No contract is required
  • Bees, fleas, termites and bed bugs are not covered under this service plan.